Monday, November 1, 2010

Film Crazy Fans

I know that everyone out there gets excited about seeing new movies. I love seeing a new movie as soon as it comes to theaters, and I love getting to talk about it with my friends afterwards. Yet, I've never been one to just go absolutely crazy over a brand new movie. I really don't understand how people loves movies so much that they will just go all out to see the midnight showing of their favorite new sequel.
Now, I must admit before I go any farther, yes, I totally did buy midnight premiere tickets to see "New Moon" from the Twilight sage. It was the Thursday before my birthday, and I and my wonderful boyfriend got there at 9pm to see the midnight premiere. (Even though my boyfriend did this sweet thing once, he swore he'd never ever do it again). However, I didn't get dressed up in "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" shirts. I didn't dress up like Bella. My boyfriend certainly did not go as Edward or Jacob. Yet as we sat their, more and more people filed in with these outfits on. Sororities came in together with handmade matching shirts. I really never left my seat once everyone started to pile in, but I am sure there was someone dressed as Edward or Jacob, trying to impress some girl. There were probably people with fake vampire teeth, even going so far as to have fake blood on them. I just don't get quite that crazy.
Another example is when I and some friends went to see the then final "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. I have now heard there is a fourth one in production. There was some guy their dressed just like Jack Sparrow, which is Johnny Depp's character. My friends just had to get their pictures made with him. People had fake swords, or just the pirate hat, or Jack Sparrow's wig. Everyone was so excited to see the movie. I was excited to see it too, even though I think it was kind of a let down for me. But I wasn't the guy out front taking pictures with people. I wasn't that crazy about it.
And now another confession. I and my boyfriend are going to the midnight premiere of the newest "Harry Potter" movie, which comes out the 19th of November, or for me, the midnight between the 18th and 19th. I never really read the books, only made it through the third, and that was a year ago. I have seen the movies, and really enjoy watching them with my boyfriend. I know that going to this premiere, everyone I see will be decked out in Gryffindor's colors, burgundy and gold. There will be people there with wizard robes on. I would even go so far as to say that their will be multiple people there dressed up as Harry and his friends. Who knows, as much as some people seem to think Harry Potter is evil, there might be a couple protesters. That could be fun.
I just don't understand how someone gets that wrapped up in these series, in movies at all. Yes, they are all fairly decent series. But I'm not that excited to the point of dressing up or making shirts with my friends just to come to a movie. Maybe that's just me lacking the want to have fun, but I feel I have just as much fun as the other ones.

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